Mountain Biking Grand Targhee Resort

Hot Air Balloons

Imagine watching the sunrise over Blacktail Butte as the sun’s rays illuminate the Grand Tetons at the start of a new day.

As anyone who has been in a hot air balloon knows, it is an incredibly peaceful way to interact with your surroundings. Your perspective of the place becomes entirely different. Here in Jackson Hole there is so much to see from above. Some of our favorite views include:

  • The meandering Snake River - It is the thirteenth longest river in the United States, spanning almost 108,000 square miles. The Lewis and Clark Expedition from 1804–1806 was the first American group to cross the Rocky Mountains and sail down the Snake and Columbia rivers to reach the Pacific Ocean. To see the Snake River from its banks right now, visit our Snake River Web Cam page.
  • The Teton Mountain Range - Instead of looking up at them from the valley, you are looking down on them! You might be lucky enough to see a small lake that's made up of snowmelt or the broken trees that remain after an avalanche. For a live view of the Tetons right now visit our Grand Teton National Park Web Cam page.
  • An elk herd - Most likely a treat to see in the fall, Jackson Hole has animals everywhere so don't forget your binoculars!

Remember that it's going to be significantly colder up in the sky so make sure to bring a warm coat. We understand that packing for a trip out west can be tricky so we put together a guide so you can Pack Like an Expert for your Summer Visit to Jackson Hole

There are a number of other ways to tour the valley and the national parks also including by boat, by bike and even an open-air van! And whether you’re planning a drive through Grand Teton National Parkwhitewater rafting on the Snake River or a shopping excursion in the town of Jackson, hot air ballooning is a peaceful way to start your day in Jackson Hole.